Our Story

My passion for the arts, crafting, educating and family time has been the driving force behind Little Making Me. I wish for children and their families to have more fun in the small moments spent together.  

I entered this era with a lifetime of experience that allowed me to create Little Making Me *Craft boxes for kids*. I have now spent 25+ years in the field of education. As an Art Educator, I worked with a wide range of students and designed curriculum for the public school system. I spent over a decade immersed in the Montessori Method under the training and leadership of a highly respected Montessorian, while there I designed and implemented an art program aligned to the method. Those experiences have given me a unique perspective on the importance of art exposure, exploration and the positively powerful effects of art making.

I grew up in a very artsy home, in a small town just north of Washington D.C. It’s hard to believe how different family life is today. How busy we all are? As a child, I came to love working with my hands and making things. My parents were pioneers in the crafting and DIY world of the 70’s. They even had a craft shop just off Main Street in Ellicott City, MD. My mother could always find ways to repurpose reuse and recycle nearly everything into some masterpiece.  She was an incredibly skilled, mostly self –taught, stained glass artist. My Halloween costumes were always homespun and my childhood friends loved to crowd around the dining table of crafty supplies.  I remember tins full of old buttons and sequins scattered. My father always had some project or hobby going. His projects regularly required wood, along with a tape measure, hammer and nails. It’s was the gallons of paint that I loved. It really was the best part! I remember the feeling of excitement when I could join in and share my ideas. To this day when I catch a wif of the lumber department in the hardware store I am immediately taken back to being little, lying on the wheelie cart waiting as my Dad searched for the best pieces. Mom and Dad’s hands were never idle.

I loved everything that occurred in those moments with them, the conversations, the guidance and even the silence as we created. For me, in those moments, time stood still.  As I reflect on my own childhood, I feel so much love and longing for a simpler time, but let’s face it; it’s never simple when you’re a parent.  Regardless of where parents are in the journey it’s easy to feel weighed down and spread too thin. My husband and I met while teaching in the public school system, we now have two children, Abigail and Nathaniel and 2 dogs. As our children have grown, time seems to move much faster then I remember. Holidays come and go, birthdays zip by and I find myself  - chasing time and chasing those special quiet at home moments with my own children.  I knew I couldn’t be the only parent who felt this way. I longed to help all families.  

I may have stepped away from my career to be with my kids, but the passion to teach art never left me.  Little Making Me was a far away dream of mine for many, many years. It wasn’t until the summer of 2020, when I shared my idea with my husband, followed by close family and friends.  Their encouragement helped give me the push I needed to bring this idea to life.

Little Making Me brings everything to you, makes it simpler for you to be in the moment with your kids and perhaps someday live in an artsy snapshot in of their mind. Be in their story!

All with love,

Kerri founder of LMM